Spirulina Hemp
Face Mask
Sensitive Skin

(4 customer reviews)


Certified Organic | Vegan | Non-GMO | Cruelty-free


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Made Simple Skin Care Spirulina Hemp Face Mask USDA Certified Organic Raw Vegan NonGMO Cruelty free

Made fresh by you: activated at the moment of use, delivering maximum amount of nutrients to your skin

10 – 12 masks per jar, on-average

Highly concentrated: no water, no fillers, no micro-beads just pure product

100% natural and USDA certified organic

Hand-crafted in small batches in Massachusetts

Raw, Vegan, Non-GMO, Cruelty-free using only food-grade ingredients

Spirulina, rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins and amino acids, replenish the skin with essential nutrients

Hemp and Oats calm and nourish the skin

Chamomile and Aloe Vera balance, soothe and revitalize

Recyclable/reusable/returnable glass jar prevents waste and leeching of plastics into product

Additional information

Weight 9 oz


Do you have concerns about the ingredients in products you use?

Well, if you do… great… because we want to share with you every single ingredient in our products, so that you can feel comfortable with Made Simple. Listed below are our ingredients… all of them… nothing left out, nothing in small print, nothing inactive… it’s all right here for you to see. If you have any question at all please be in-touch. We’ll even let you know where we get all this great stuff.
Each ingredient really does something for you.
Made Simple Skin Care spirulina USDA Certified Organic Raw Vegan NonGMO Cruelty-free face mask SPIRULINA powder (Spirulina platensis) contains a large concentrations of vitamins and minerals. It helps to ward off free radicals and eliminate toxins from the skin.
Made Simple Skin Care hemp seed USDA Certified Organic Raw Vegan NonGMO Cruelty-free face mask HEMP SEED powder is rich in Omega fatty acids and has great anti-inflammatory benefits that help heal the skin.
Made Simple Skin Care oat USDA Certified Organic Raw Vegan NonGMO Cruelty-free face mask OAT powder (Avena sativa) powder is moisturizing and an extremely gentle exfoiliant. It is known as a natural cleansers that can remove dirt and oil from the pores without causing irritation.
Made Simple Skin Care aloe vera USDA Certified Organic Raw Vegan NonGMO Cruelty-free face mask ALOE VERA LEAF powder (Aloe vera, whole leaf) is soothing and moisturizing. It is known make the skin feel more resilient and supple improving the appearance of aging and dry skin.
Made Simple Skin Care chamomile USDA Certified Organic Raw Vegan NonGMO Cruelty-free face mask CHAMOMILE FLOWER powder (Matricaria recutita, flower) has a calming effect on skin, mind, and body. It is a gentle exfoliator and has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.
Made Simple Skin Care palmarosa USDA Certified Organic Raw Vegan NonGMO Cruelty-free face mask PALMAROSA essential oil (Cymbopogon martinii, grass) is known to promote cell growth and rejuvenate the skin.
Made Simple Skin Care geranium USDA Certified Organic Raw Vegan NonGMO Cruelty-free face mask GERANIUM essential oil (Pelargonium graveolens; leaves, stalk, flowers) calms the nerves and lessens stress. It is known to promote clear, healthy skin and healthy hair.

How To Use

Scoop 1-2 tsp of powder into a small bowl (glass is recommended). Add a few drops of lukewarm water or a few sprays of our Made Simple Face Toner. Mix well to make a soft paste. Apply to clean face, avoid eyes and lips. Let sit for 10-15 min. Wash off with water. Use 1-2 times a week before bedtime. There are no preservatives, so only mix an amount of paste you plan to use within a few hours.
Watch our instructional video:

4 reviews for Spirulina Hemp
Face Mask
Sensitive Skin

  1. Joyce Y

    I tried your products and they are amazing!
    Fell in love with the spirulina mask and ordering the full version now. Thanks for making such good, honest and eco friendly products! Helping us and helping our planet.

  2. Vanessa (verified owner)

    I enjoyed using this mask for the first time recently! I have very sensitive skin and chronic ezcema but it seemed to react to this mask fairly well. A bit of stinging at first but then it felt fine and refreshing. Effective exfoliant!

  3. Vivien Sin (verified owner)

    Amazing product. Love the fresh smell of hemp and oats and my skin looked refreshed and replenished afterwards. Great for sensitive skin.

  4. Carly Fraser

    My face overall had less blemishes, and my pores were much tighter. My skin naturally glows, because of a raw vegan diet that I follow, but the mask made it glow even more (if that’s even a thing). I am pretty obsessed now, and will likely be ordering more. It’s a great product that I would recommend to anyone!

    Read my full review: https://livelovefruit.com/product-review-made-simple-skin-care/

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